
Vision, Virtues & Mission Statement

St Mary's Mission Statement

To be the best you can be, by following the Greatest Commandment by sharing God’s love with everyone we meet.




'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbour as yourself'


 'This is the greatest and first commandment. Love God above all else’.


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At St Mary’s Catholic First School we promote the Catholic ethos of the school through our daily actions, worship and the curriculum. We aim to reflect the person of Jesus Christ, his love and his teachings.



Through modelling and explicitly teaching the Gospel Values and Virtues we introduce our children to God. We understand that God loves every one of us and we ensure that our whole school family feels valued and loved. We encourage children to change the world positively.


It is our mission to promote a love of learning and a love of self with the tools to demonstrate love and respect towards our planet and one another.


We aim to recognise, develop and celebrate all that is unique in each individual and strive to help all attain their full potential in academic achievement, confidence, co-operation and responsibility.



As a member of Plymouth CAST Multi-Academy Trust, we have embraced the teaching and learning of Virtues that enable our children to discover their innermost hearts and to seek and strive after truth and goodness in all its forms.

The Plymouth Diocese Virtues Handbook for Primary Schools can be found below: