
St Mary's pupil Chaplaincy Team - GIFT

St Mary’s GIFT Team (Growing In Faith Together)
The members of our GIFT Team for 2023/24 are:

Violet, Isla, Esme, Clemmie, Jack, Sam, Molly and Evanna

During the Autumn Term our team have had training to help them understand their role at St Mary’s.  They heard about St Martin of Tours whose followers looked after his special cloak and continued his work after he died. The word “chaplains” comes from the Latin word for cloak.

Our chaplains then explored the five different types of prayer in order to help them compose their own prayers.

In October the chaplains led a rosary challenge for peace. This was part of the Aid to the Church in Needs “One Million Children Praying the Rosary” annual event.
In November the GIFT team sold poppies to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.
The GIFT team is now ready to discover how to put a liturgy together with the aim of leading a liturgy for each class.
They will also be in contact with the Parish Secretary to find out who from our parish community we can keep in our prayers in our weekly school assembly.