
November 2023

Week 27th November - 1st December 2023
This has been a busy week for Iceni class with lots of creative writing, counting and experimenting in Science! As part of their Science lessons, the children have been investigating what happens during digestion and the effect on our bodies. Talking of eating, the children have been creating authentic Indian dishes and have been surprised at how much they enjoyed them.
During English the children have been hard at work creating a missing chapter from the story Charlie and the Chocolate factory - they have come up with some amazing creations!
We have also been busy learning dance routines and our lines for the upcoming Nativity. This is coming together nicely and we can't wait to share it with you.
Week 20th-24th November 2023
This week Iceni class have been working really hard in Maths, looking at problem solving and finding the best way to complete a calculation.
We are now preparing to write our own chapters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with some delicious descriptions of sweet treats!
During our PE lessons, the children have been moving into bigger groups to complete small competitions to develop their skills further. 
The class have also begun rehearsing for our upcoming Christmas Nativity with lots of singing and dancing to keep us busy!
Week 13th-17th November 2023
This week Iceni class have been getting to grips with chocolate as part of our Charlie and the chocolate factory work in English. They have designed marvellous bars and created their own golden ticket invitations. This also fed into our Forest school work, creating our chocolate using natural resources.
The children have been busy across other subjects, learning all about digestion in Science and Alfred the Great in History - the first king of England during Anglo Saxon times!