
November 2023

Week 13th-17th November 2023
We have had another busy week in Year 1. This week we have been learning all about subtraction in Maths.
We have been on a woodland walk around our grounds collecting ideas for writing a recount. We finished off our walk with hot chocolate and marshmallows - delicious!
We have also started learning about shapes and went on a shape hunt - someone counted the 76 cuboids that hold up our summer house!
Week 6th-10th November 2023

Wow, we were so lucky to have such a sunny day for our annual Autumn Laudato Si day. 

We did some apple pressing with Mrs Coffin and made bread with Mrs Sparke, we have also been learning about hedgehogs and how to look after them as well as writing poems about fireworks. It has been a really busy week!