
March 2024

Week 18th-22nd March 2024
Iceni class have been busy continuing their learning on fractions in maths including equivalent families and simplifying them!
We had a small group of children visit THS on Wednesday as part of a writing workshop which they all enjoyed while being able to improve their skills.
We have been finishing our smuggler pouches in DT and continuing our electricity topic in Science. Well done on completing another packed week everyone!
Week 11th-15th March 2024
Wow, what a busy week for Iceni class - we had a fantastic concert on Tuesday and the children were amazing! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and all the hard work showed.
On Thursday 12 children from our class went to a rugby festival at Dorchester Rugby Club and showed great teamwork and effort, well done.
While in class, the children are getting to grips with fractions in Maths and continuing our work on the Iron Man in English.
Today we have started sewing our smuggler pouches which are beginning to take shape.