
September 2023

Week 25th-29th September 2023
This week we have been exploring the properties of charcoal in art and testing rocks to see if they are porous or non-porous.
Week 18th-22nd September 2023
It’s been a busy week! We have been using place value grids in Maths to help with our adding and we have been observing rocks in science.
Week 11th-15th September 2023
We have had a busy week this week. We have been learning to code in ICT and we have been using manipulatives to explore place value in maths.
Week 4th-8th September 2023
Welcome to Year 3! Its been a busy week so far!
We have been looking at our class charter and how we can make sure everyone feels included, supported and welcome.
We have also started our maths unit on Place Value where the children have been learning about 3 digit numbers up to 1000.