
November 2023

Week 27th November - 1st December 2023
This week we've had a great week. We have been cutting the crenellations on our castle models and painting them grey.  Next week we will add brickwork and a drawbridge!
We have been singing and dancing beautifully to 'Gabriel's Gospel' for our Christmas performance and we have been sharing ways to work out problems in Maths.
Week 20th-24th November 2023
In science we set up an experiment, planting daffodil and tulip bulbs and cress seeds to see which will grow the fastest! 
We are enjoying writing about the Great Fire of London in English and we are getting to grips with adding and subtracting two 2 digit numbers in Maths.
 Week 13th-17th November 2023
This week we brought the city of London to life in our experience lesson in English. We set the scene in freeze-frames.  
In Maths we are getting to grips with adding 2 digits and tens by using our dienes and drawing them into our books. We are great at counting the tens first and then the ones.
We have really enjoyed our PSHE lesson for anti bullying fortnight and learning how to 'make a noise' to stop bullying.
Week 6th-10th November 2023
We have had a fantastic week despite the wind and rain!
Anning Class loved their activities on Laudato Si Day, especially climbing on the enormous tractor, baking and singing the hedgehog song. 
They made Dorset apple cakes with Mrs McGregor and couldn't wait to try them! What a wonderful day!