
January 2024

Week 29th January-2nd February 2024
Wow, another busy week for Iceni class! The children have loved starting their new Science topic looking at circuits and creating their own.
In English and ICT we have continued our work on newspapers and becoming a journalist investigating unusual stories. Next week we will finish these units by creating our own report on a particular environmental issue so watch this space...
Week 22nd-26th January 2024
This week Iceni class have continued with their newspaper work looking at the effects of pollution on an unidentified marine creature and what that means for marine life in general.
The children have been enjoying their PE lessons having completed a detailed gymnastics routine and have moved onto our equipment including the ropes and ladders!
This coming week they are starting a new topic in RE and Science, looking at electrical circuits.
Week 15th-19th January 2024
Iceni class have worked hard this week building sentences for their newspaper report on a mystery creature found stranded on the beach.
We are continuing building our multiplication and division skills in Maths.
As part of our geography and Forest schools curriculum, we’ve been looking at giving directions and using a compass to help us which the class have enjoyed doing.
Week 8th-12th January 2024
We reach the end of a busy week again! Iceni have just finished their unit in Maths on multiplication and division and we are continuing with our work on newspaper reporting in English.
It was lovely to see the class working well together and supporting each other during a hockey match yesterday as their final session using those skills. 
Week 2nd-5th January 2024
Iceni class have got stuck into the new term, busy improving their times tables in Maths and beginning a new topic on newspaper writing in English. We have been reminding ourselves about directions and the use of a compass in Geography and building our vocabulary in French lessons.
The children are excited about doing gymnastics in PE focusing on different balances which will prepare them for a performance later this term.