
October 2023

Week 31st October - 3rd November 2023
We have been learning about Guy Fawkes this week and the reasons behind the plot to blow up parliament.  We have been learning to debate and argue for and against celebrating the 5th November. 
We have been experimenting with materials to cut and join to make a castle that will stand on its own. We made our first prototype out of paper and talked about the designs we made.  We decided paper wasn't a very good material to withstand wind and rain!
Week 16th-20th October 2023
We have had another very exciting week as this week! We went to Thomas Hardye school on Wednesday to meet the famous children's author - Neal Layton.  
The children were fantastic and not only enjoyed hearing Neal read stories from his books and seeing him sketch his characters, but also had the opportunity to sketch his latest book cover and show them to him when he signed their books. He thought they were amazing!
Week 9th-13th October 2023
This week we had an amazing time at Lulworth Castle on Tuesday! 
We enjoyed all the activities there, spotting the furry bats and hunting for the pictures on our spotting sheets.  We dressed up in Victorian outfits, sketched in our sketchbooks, got to go in the stocks and climbed to the top of the tower. What an amazing view!
The children were fantastic all day and had a fabulous day learning so much about life in the past.
Week 2nd-6th October 2023
This week we've been making 2 digit numbers in maths using dienes, drawing the numbers in tens and ones and partitioning them using a part whole model.
We have also been enjoying coding in ICT. Learning to make a character move and to add sound to a background scene.