
February 2024

Week 26th February-1st March 2024
Iceni class have had a productive week, finishing their current Maths topic looking at perimeter and polygon shapes.
In our English lessons, the children have been starting a new topic based on the Iron man and have completed some lovely performance poetry on this.
We have also continued our smugglers topic and have started designing a pouch suitable for carrying valuable gold coins!
Here are the children doing their forest school activities.
Keep up the hard work Iceni children!
Week 19th-23rd February 2024
Another busy week for Iceni class - they met with the transition lead preparing for middle school and had another rehearsal in preparation for our upcoming concert.
This is in addition to a new topic in Maths looking at perimeter and tackling descriptive writing in Literacy! We attempted to get out for a lovely forest school activity however the rain returned so we will try again next week.
Week 5th-8th February 2024
Iceni class have worked really hard this week. We have been looking at division using exchanging and part-part-whole models as well as planning and writing our newspaper reports.
In history we became detectives and we've carried on learning our songs in music ready for our concert next month.
Have a lovely half term and we'll see you soon!