
March 2024

Week 25th-29th March 2024
This week we have been learning about Holy Week in RE. We acted out the events of Maundy Thursday when Jesus washed his disciples feet.  
We placed our special branches of love hearts on our kindness tree in our Key Stage 1 Liturgy and we rounded the week off showing this love by walking for School in a Bag.
We completed 20 laps of the playground and we our so proud of ourselves!
Week 18th-22nd March 2024
We had a visit from the smoothie bike last Friday.
We made 3 smoothie mixes that we designed for our DT project - watermelon, blueberry and cherry and a super green smoothie with spinach, kiwi, cucumber and mango! We chopped the fruit into small pieces, added them to the blender with some juice and then we blended it using the smoothie bike. Jon showed us how to use the smoothie bike and we all had a go at making the liquidiser work with our super pedal power! In the afternoon, we tasted them and decided which was our favourite.
It was great fun and delicious too!
Week 11th-15th March 2024
Last Thursday we had a wonderful time on 'World Book Day'.  The children's costumes were fantastic and they had a fabulous day doing lots of activities related to reading.
This week we had a wonderful Life Education Session. The children learned about wellness and how their brains work when they feel anxious or worried. We particularly enjoyed sitting on the golden thankful throne and saying what we are thankful for. 
Week 4th-8th March 2024
This week we had an amazing class trip to Wagamama! We designed and tasted our own juice drink and made a delicious Katsu dish for lunch.  We were really good at using chopsticks to pick up sweetcorn, carrot and cucumber. 
We learned a lot about preparing food safely, healthy eating and loved tasting new foods.
We had a wonderful morning!