
February 2024

Week 26th February-1st March 2024
This week we had a smoothie tasting session in DT. We tried 3 different smoothie flavours.
We tried to identify the individual fruits and vegetables and evaluated each smoothie flavour and chose our favourite.
Week 19th-23rd February 2024
We have had a great first week back at school.
In science we have been investigating how plants grow.  We planted bulbs in November last year and they have started to grow! We are going to measure their growth over the next few weeks to see whether daffodils or tulips will grow taller.
On Tuesday we had mass at school with Fr Royston and Deacon Jonathan. We really enjoyed talking with Fr Royston and asking him lots of questions about being a priest and his exciting travels.
Week 5th-8th February 2024
This week we have been writing up our instructions in 'best' and focusing on joining our handwriting. 
In Maths we have been multiplying and dividing and noticing how we can use number families to write multiplication and division number sentences.
We really enjoyed practicing our dance ready for our performance.