

September 2023

Weeks 18th-29th September 2023

We have had a busy few weeks in Year 1 - we have written stories for a competition and have been working hard on remembering full stops, capital letters and finger spaces in our writing. We have been using lots of adjectives to describe things to make our writing more interesting.


In oracy we are making sure that we show we are listening to each other by looking at the person talking and if we are talking that we use a clear voice so that we can be heard and understood. 

In Science this week we went on an animal hunt around the school grounds. It was a lovely sunny day and we found lots of different animals and had fun drawing them and in Geography we made little books to show where we live.

Week 11th-15th September 2023
This week we have started our Year 1 phonics program and have learnt how to play bingo with the words we are reading.
Some of the class have been out to Forest School while the other half of the class had a go at logging into the school computers in ICT. Next week they will swap over.
The children made some super clay sculptures - some of which got a bit squished on the way back to class.
We have also been practising counting on from any number, and practised story making our new story - Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers.
Week 4th-8th September 2023
Welcome back everyone! 
We have had a super hot and busy first week in Year 1.
The children have been brilliant and have settled into their new classroom really well. A particular favourite is the cafe role play area and the fact we have three playtimes in KS1.