
January 2024

Week 29th January - 3rd February 2024
We have been learning to multiply using the X symbol in maths and the children are becoming confident at making equal groups and writing multiplication number sentences.
We have written a set of instructions for 'How to make a Bug Hotel' and followed 'instructions shapes' and photos of the steps to help us write it. We really enjoyed modelling how to make one!
Week 22nd-26th January 2024
This week we had the grand opening of the bike shelter.
The whole school gathered and Jon joined us from Sustrans our partner bike charity to cut the ribbon and to announce that St Mary's new bike shelter is now officially open. The children really enjoyed having a look inside.
Week 15th-19th January 2024
This week we have been working on writing instructions for how to make a bird feeder and having made one on Friday, we could use this experience to help us create our sentences. We will write our own set of instructions next week on how to make a bug hotel.

In Maths we have been continuing to work on making a total using different coins and solving 2 step problems using money. 
In art we were sketching with wildlife as the stimulus and the children have been great at weaving the willow in forest school.
Week 8th-12th January 2024
We have had a great week.  In Maths, we have been finding different ways to make the same total using coins.  
We have been continuing our instructions on how to make a bird feeder. We rounded the week off by making a bird feeder to take home and hang in our garden.