
Who we are

Mrs Paula Fearn

Head Teacher

Paula has been a Primary teacher for nearly 20 years and is passionate that every child has the opportunity to fulfil their God given potential through rich learning experiences.

Mrs Helen Johnston

Chair of Governors

I have over 20 years experience gained in education roles including class teacher, middle leader, school improvement advisor, local authority SEND advisor, headteacher and executive headteacher. I have taught and led in a variety of schools - Catholic, community, free schools and academy trusts.
I have previous school governance experience in both foundation and community governor appointments.
I moved to Dorchester four years ago and undertake various community based volunteer activities.

Mrs Jo Bourne

Staff Governor

Jo is our Executive Deputy Head. Jo has been teaching for over 20 years and is highly trained in Trauma Informed Schools which is an approached behaviour.

Mr Stuart Moynehan

Parent Governor

Mrs Melanie Buddin

Parent Governor

I have 3 children who attend St Mary's and I am passionate about the school ethos and community we have. I am looking forward to working alongside the school to ensure it provides every child with a positive, safe and nurturing environment to learn.
My professional background is within the Aerospace industry where I have gained 20 years of experience working in various different roles and multi discipline teams.